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Assistance request: Acquiring simulation statistics while running

Fri, Dec 15, 2023 1:54 PM

Dear gem5 representative,

I hope you are doing well.
First of all, Kudos to your team for such great work on gem5. It is really appreciated.
I need some support in my research project. I am working on applying adaptive set associativity for cache based on some hit-rate metric. To simulate this architecture, I am using gem5. However, I am stuck at the point of getting the hit-rate statistics through the run in which I want to have some if-conditions to change the associativity based on the hit-rate metric. Could you possibly help with this one? How can I implement such an idea using gem5?
I would be extremely grateful if I could get assistance on this one.

Best regards,

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Dear gem5 representative, I hope you are doing well. First of all, Kudos to your team for such great work on gem5. It is really appreciated. I need some support in my research project. I am working on applying adaptive set associativity for cache based on some hit-rate metric. To simulate this architecture, I am using gem5. However, I am stuck at the point of getting the hit-rate statistics through the run in which I want to have some if-conditions to change the associativity based on the hit-rate metric. Could you possibly help with this one? How can I implement such an idea using gem5? I would be extremely grateful if I could get assistance on this one. Best regards, Ahmed Bu e-posta mesaji kisiye ozel olup, hizmete ozel bilgiler iceriyor olabilir. Bu e-posta mesaji, hic bir sekilde, herhangi bir amac icin cogaltilamaz, yayinlanamaz ve satilamaz. Eger bu e-posta mesaji size yanlislikla ulasmissa, icerigini hic bir sekilde kullanmayiniz, ekli dosyalari acmayiniz ve lutfen bu e-posta mesajinin tum kopyalarini siliniz. Bu e-posta mesaji viruslere karsi anti-virus sistemleri tarafindan taranmistir. Ancak yollayici, bu e-posta mesajinin - virus koruma sistemleri ile kontrol ediliyor olsa bile - virus icermedigini garanti etmez ve meydana gelebilecek zararlardan dogacak hicbir sorumlulugu kabul etmez. Abdullah Gul Universitesi bu e-posta mesajinin icerigi ile ilgili olarak hicbir hukuksal sorumlulugu kabul etmez. -------- This message is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed, and may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or you receive this mail in error, you should refrain from making any use of the contents and from opening any attachment, delete and destroy all copies. This e-mail message, can not be copied, published or sold for any reason. This e-mail message has been swept by anti-virus systems for the presence of computer viruses. In doing so, however, sender cannot warrant that virus or other forms of data corruption may not be present and do not take any responsibility in any occurrence. Abdullah Gul University doesn't accept any legal responsibility for the contents and attachments of this message. =============================================================== This message has been analyzed by Deep Discovery Email Inspector.