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Using the externalize function of the page table from the cpu

Wed, Jan 17, 2024 6:09 PM


I am trying to access all entries of the page table in every tick inside
the cpu. Currently I am trying to access the page tabe externalize()
function by first accessing the thread context of a cpu core, then
getting the process pointer which holds a page table object.

All process pointers I access using the thread contexts are null
pointers. Is there another way I can access the page table?

I am using the x86-parsec-benchmarks configuration, but I have changed
the switch_core_type from Timing to O3.

Hi, I am trying to access all entries of the page table in every tick inside the cpu. Currently I am trying to access the page tabe externalize() function by first accessing the thread context of a cpu core, then getting the process pointer which holds a page table object. All process pointers I access using the thread contexts are null pointers. Is there another way I can access the page table? I am using the x86-parsec-benchmarks configuration, but I have changed the switch_core_type from Timing to O3.