I came across this error while running some of the spec CPU 2017
benchmarks. I encountered this error in cactuBSSN_s, lbm_s, and imagick_s
(all of them are fpspeed benchmarks). Does the host system generate this
error because of resource limitation or is it coming from gem5? I found
this post in stack overflow
the solution suggested here to export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 didn't work. Any
help would be appreciated
I came across this error while running some of the spec CPU 2017
benchmarks. I encountered this error in cactuBSSN_s, lbm_s, and imagick_s
(all of them are fpspeed benchmarks). Does the host system generate this
error because of resource limitation or is it coming from gem5? I found
this post in stack overflow
the solution suggested here to export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 didn't work. Any
help would be appreciated